Saturday 5 December 2009

Touching Cloth

Zoe touched my penis! Well, not touched exactly but she definitely felt it through my trousers. Unfortunately she caught me completely unawares and so I wasn’t exactly at my most impressive. Worse still, no matter what, I just couldn’t make it happen. I thought about Michelle Pfeiffer in Dangerous Liaisons, about Jessica Rabbit, about Elisabeth Shue in Cocktail. Christ I even let Sam Fox cross my mind but nothing. Luckily I think Zoe was too drunk to notice. She managed to get Abby MacKenzie to give up her booze rations so she got through four pints of Carlsberg. That’s a hell of a lot for a bird. But at least it meant I got a fumble AND a semi snog. Can’t wait to report all to Ralph this afternoon at “Cross Country”. I just hope our session isn’t ruined by the unwelcome presence of the teaching staff..

The Uni application is done and in thank Christ! Of course I was fully intending to give up Choral Society and my visits to Elspeth as soon as Hargreaves had signed on the dotted line but now I find I’m quite enjoying both, in a bizarre way. Let’s face it, I haven’t got a whole lot else going on. I could argue that I should be using the time to revise but I know myself well enough to realise that that’s not going to happen. If it’s a choice between opening a text book or hanging out in town drinking coffee and sneaking the occasional cheeky fag it’s not bloody rocket science to figure out what I’ll be doing. No, I think Elspeth and I will become firm friends in time. She might even leave me her house when she carks it. Must ask her if she’s got any family left next time I’m there…

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