Sunday 20 December 2009

Grannie Drive

Naturally, it being a Sunday, Grannie B and Grannie H came over for their weekly feed. Mother was on surprisingly good form. Though that might have been because Dad was at the office all morning. And possibly something to do with the early opening of a new bottle of sherry. But she made a fabulous roast lamb. Grannie B didn’t even complain about the consistency of the gravy which meant that Mother stayed in a good mood all afternoon.

I was allowed to drive the old dears home at teatime, accompanied by Dad. You could see the whites of their knuckles as they gripped onto the door handles on the back seat. Nothing like having a bit of confidence in their favourite grandson…

I am seriously behind on Christmas shopping now. I think my attention is being distracted by constantly moving from excitement to abject terror at the prospect of tomorrow night’s party. (still no jonnies). I am ABSOLUTELY DEFINITELY going to pick some up from that chemist up the road tomorrow morning. I don’t care who’s serving. I’m seventeen for Christ’s sake. It’s not like it’s illegal. And anyway, people should be applauding the fact that I’m making sure to take the necessary precautions. I realise I’m jumping the gun slightly. It occurred to me that Zoe and I haven’t actually spoken about “us” yet. But still, I’m reasonably confident that after a couple of vodka and orange juices she’ll be fair game..

Ralph’s making a CD mix to play when we get there. Slightly pissed off that she didn’t ask me to do it but also relieved. I’ll freely admit that I have a “different” taste in music to a lot of people at school. But that’s just a sign that I have much BETTER taste than they do.

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