Wednesday 16 December 2009

The A List

Hmmm.. slight issue. 62% in English. Pass. 59% in Spanish. Pass. 36%
in Economics. Not quite what we want. I think Mr Davis feels like I've
let down the whole school. Apparently it's the lowest mark ever
achieved in a mock A level. I mean, RELAX. It's a MOCK! Obviously I
wasn't really trying. Honestly some people just need to take a serious
chill pill. He's now talking about individual coaching in the hols.
Like that's going to happen. Luckily the end of term reports have
already been written and posted so I don't have to fess up to the
folks. Not yet anyway. Knowing Davis he'll probably call them for
"crisis talks" or something similarly over-dramatic. What a lot of
nonsense and fuss about nothing. I'm far more concerned about what I
should wear to Zoe's party on Monday night.

Oh yes. It's ON! And I'm invited. I'm probably the guest of honour in
her eyes. She must want me. If she was at all concerned about the
trouser fumble she would have excluded me from the list. Seriously
excited. Of course now I have to go and buy some condoms. Not
something I've ever done before. I could pinch some out of Dad's
bedside cabinet but it's been so long since the parentals have enjoyed
an active sex life I reckon his jonnies will have perished by now. I
wonder where I should make the purchase.. If I wait til I get home
then one of mother's associates is bound to be in the same queue as me
at Boots and I'll be the sauce of Rummy gossip for the entire festive

No, I think I'll have to get it all sorted before then. That's not the
half of it of course. Having never put one on I'm really at a bit of a
loss as to how it all works. Let's hope Zoe knows what she's doing...

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