Wednesday 9 December 2009

Booze Paradox

Halfway through these arsing mocks. What a total pain in the cheeks they are. And a waste of time in my opinion. Surely we should be concentrating our efforts on the real thing? Honestly, sometimes I really wonder about the effectiveness of the people running this institution. I mean I’m sure they’re bloody good chaps and all that but they do seem to enjoy putting the fear of God into one when it’s really not necessary. If people want to smoke, let them smoke. It’s their own health that they’re putting at stake, no one else’s. Mostly.. And booze. That’s the real paradox.

We’re banned from consuming alcohol in public but Hargreaves and others are more than happy to ship in crateloads of the stuff to their own flat, then invite us in and get us hammered on McEwans. Bizarre. Even the 3rd years are allowed enough to get a bit wobbly at the end of term. Far better that we should be given the responsibility of looking after ourselves. I can tell you now that given the choice of openly sipping a gin and tonic at my desk of an evening, or having to pretend that I’m quaffing a mug of coffee, when it’s actually filled with Martini Rosso, well, you can imagine what I’d rather be doing.

Still haven’t really spoken to Zoe since the trouser touch. It’s so frustrating. I just completely clam up when I’m stone cold sober and there’s other people around. I don’t know why I worry that she’s going to be icily hostile but I can’t shake the fear that she’s relishing the opportunity to humiliate me in public. I clearly need some kind of counselling. Ralph just sighs and rolls his eyes when I express my concerns. It’s alright for him. He’s been doing this for years. Pity the late starter. It’s a bad place to be.

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