Friday 4 December 2009

Nervous Old Lady

I expect Sal is waiting for me to call with congratulations on her “exciting” news. I just can’t bring myself to pick up the phone. I was still awake at two o’clock this morning fretting about the wedding. Let’s hope something comes along to screw it all up before we get that far..

Spanish mock went okay yesterday afternoon. Elaine Jones had an asthma attack halfway through so she didn’t get to finish. At least that means I won’t come last this time. Well I’d better bloody not.

After that I went to see Elspeth again. On my own this time. I could tell she was slightly anxious. She sat right in the corner of the room and I couldn’t see her left hand. I think she was clutching a stick or something, just out of sight, in case I suddenly went mad and tried to attack her. As if! I think she warmed to me eventually though she seemed rather offended that I didn’t eat any of her stale biscuits. I wonder if all old people eat stale biscuits or whether it’s just people who are sad and lonely enough to require visits from sixth formers who need more brownie points for their uni applications. That’s the task of the day today. Hargreaves has said he’ll fill in his bit for everyone tonight and post them off in the morning. I’ve almost got it sussed in my head now. I’m applying to Bristol and Cardiff but that’s mostly because Ralph is too and it would be a bloody riot if we end up going to the same place. And Zoe is only applying to London colleges so if I end up at arsing Roehampton then at least I’ll have totty on tap, if all goes as planned in that department.

Must brace myself for a shower before heading to the JCR, just in case..

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