Wednesday 23 December 2009

Phone Fear

HAVE to finish Christmas shopping this morning or I am seriously dead meat. Shouldn’t be too much of a chore but it’s still a pain. Why should I have to buy anyone gifts anyway? It’s not like I’m earning any money, and besides the fact that I can’t afford to buy anything, I show my parents ample love and respect during the rest of the year… Oh well, needs must I suppose.

I tried to call Zoe this morning but her mum said that she wasn’t in. I was seriously annoyed. It had taken me the best part of two hours to pluck up the courage to dial the number in the first place. I kept staring at the numbers on the keypad and then hanging up. All that stress for nothing. Her mum asked who was calling and stupidly I didn’t leave my name. It would have been the perfect get out clause for having to ring her again. Now I’m going to have to call back and go through the hideous fear all over again or she’s going to think I haven’t made the effort. Mind you, I don’t see why she isn’t just as obliged to call me too. That’s women for you I guess. I’d better get used to this..

Ralph said that Devin is panicking that Abby Mac might be pregnant. I’m sure he’s fussing about nothing. She’s not stupid enough to have done anything without protection. Devin’s such a nerd he probably doesn’t realise that using a jonnie pretty much protects you from the worst case scenario. Part of me hopes she IS pregnant. That would make for some LEGENDARY gossip at school after Christmas. How fantastic. The two squarest people in school being teen parents. CLASSIC! Christmas Eve tomorrow.. I hope I’ve got some good presents otherwise there’ll be Hell to pay.

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