Sunday 13 December 2009

An Excellent Uncle

Bloody wicked afternoon, yesterday. Ralph and I headed to Deerham as planned and made our way to The Old Fox. Charming pub. Legendary landlord, totally bonkers. Really bloody cuckoo. We drank far too much of course, as the old boy just kept bringing us more and more booze. He hadn’t a clue that we were underage. I think he’s probably from a time when there was no minimum age. By the time we left it was almost pitch black outside. There was no way either of us were in a state to make our way back across the moor to the city so we had to knock up Ralph’s uncle. Bloody good egg. He took us under his wing big style and sobered us up with pints of water and coffee and then he drove us back to the school gates so we were ensconced in our respective studies in plenty of time. Reckon Hargreaves was slightly suss but he couldn’t do anything as the excruciating nausea had passed. I was just in rather a jolly mood!

I did consider heading out again in time for the end of supper leave to meet the revellers but decided to stay low key. Probably for the best. I was clearly going to be on Hargreaves radar for the duration of the evening. Hope Zoe wasn’t expecting to see me. Will find out today what the plan is for the party. Have decided, what’s the worst that can happen if I do bring it up? She can only say no. And if she does then at least I’ll know where I stand. God, she’d better not say no though. I’ll be bloody gutted. Just think, in a little over a weeks’ time I could be a fully-fledged sexually active individual. I will have properly made it in life. Ruddy awesome.

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