Tuesday 15 December 2009


Oh my God. I think I might actually be dead. I have NEVER drunk that much booze in one evening. I don’t know what Hargreaves was thinking, God bless him. What a LEDGE housemaster! He’d obviously massively over-ordered and we all ended up with little short of a crate of McEwan’s each! Combine that with the fact that the “dinner” came out of the school kitchens and was therefore largely left on the plate, and it amounted to a bloody tipsy night.

In the end we decided against games. No one was in the mood and Ed Williams got his dad to bring his decks in so we turned the TV room into a small-scale nightclub. It was a bloody good laugh actually. Miss Dobson was no less smashed than the rest of us and Jonny may well have snogged her had Matron not stepped in to preserve what was left of her dignity. She was bundled into a cab about ten minutes later. Christ knows if she ever made it home. Can’t wait to shame them in assembly tomorrow morning. We would have done it today had we not all been so utterly hanging.. I’d be surprised if we see Dobson this side of the new year all things considered.

Mock results are going up on the boards later this afternoon. Not exactly relishing finding out how badly I’ve done but fuck it, it’s nearly Christmas. It’s not like the parentals are even going to be aware of my results. They seem to be far too wrapped up in their own dilemmas at the moment. Haven’t heard from either of them for almost two weeks now. Christ knows who’s coming to pick me up and take me home. Perhaps I’m supposed to carry my own trunk on the train like some sort of Victorian pauper. Ridiculous…

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