Thursday 19 November 2009

Visiting Sibling

Hargreaves pulled me into his study this morning and told me that Sal’s coming to visit this weekend. Odd that he should inform me. It all sounded very mysterious. He had the look of someone telling me that I was terminally ill. I hope Sal hasn’t been on the phone to him, telling him all sorts of nonsense about Mother. For some reason old Hargreaves loves my sister. I remember his eyes almost popping out of his head when he first clapped eyes on her, the dirty old bugger. He couldn’t take his eyes off her chest. Ruddy perv..

Anyway I guess it’ll mean some free nosh for me. I might suggest she takes me to Chez Marc for lunch. Next best thing to a supper leave I suppose. Might ask Ralph if he fancies coming along too. I hope she doesn’t bring that knob Ian. I was hoping he might have dumped her by now but he still seems to be hanging around like bad smell. Dad said he reckons he might even propose. He said that when they went round there the day Mother first disappeared there was a moment when he and Ian were alone in the drawing room. He said Ian was really fidgety like he wanted to ask Dad something dramatic. The thought of it creeps me out. His family are horribly common. His mother volunteers in The Spastic Society for Christ’s sake. It might not even be called that anymore but still. I don’t see what’s wrong with the word ‘spastic’. It’s quite onomatopoeic I think. Glad I managed to work that word into my diary. It makes me seem very pseud..

Hargreaves has asked us in for beers again tonight. Bring it on! No Wendell this week. Wise move Hargreaves. Wise move..

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