Thursday 26 November 2009

Stale Biscuits

Went to visit an old lady this afternoon with Julia Wilson. You know, to add to my list of good deeds when I go for uni interviews. It was weird. Julia's really good with talking to old people so she kind of led the conversation, such as it was. I just sort of sat there. The woman was called Elspeth. I was glad that she didn't ask to be called Elsie. It's so working class war heroine. I was expecting her to be living in one of those God awful pre-fab places on the outskirts of town but in fact she has quite a picturesque little cottage near Falpham. Roses round the door and all that gubbins. In spite of all that her Ginger nuts were stale and the living room had a distinctly pissy odour but I guess some things about old age are set in stone and you can't change them no matter how well off you are.. She asked what I was studying for A-levels and where I was hoping to go to uni. I wasn't about to tell her Roehampton. She wouldn't have heard of it and I don't really want Julia Wilson telling everyone I'm not an Oxbridge candidate. So I said that I was going to see some London colleges and she seemed impressed enough with that. She did bang on a bit about how things were so much better in her day but she wasn't a complete bore so visiting her on a weekly basis might not actually be such a ghastly chore as a I thought it would.

Everything went rather swimmingly in the JCR last night. Zoe was there, as hoped, and she seemed suitably impressed that I had gone out of my way to organise a sympathy card for Colin. I reckon Ralph might just be a bit of a genius. She asked if I was planning another supper leave and she seemed genuinely gutted when I told her I was banned til the new year. Need to figure out how to stage a snog next...

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