Wednesday 18 November 2009

Intact Cherries

Really starting to panic about not losing my virginity before Christmas now. Lindsay Joyner totally ignored me in Spanish this morning. It’s just not going to happen. I need to move on. Sometimes you need to accept these things. If she’s not into Robin Greaves who most of the girls think is the biggest stud in school, then it’s not going to happen with me. But then who? Zoe Hall has basically said she’s not interested, though I think she might have just been SAYING that in case I said it first. I might have to go back there. She let me touch her boob after all. Okay so she was drunk but people say your real self comes out when you’re drunk. So in fact she’s clearly desperate for me if you think about it for long enough. I don’t think I could bring myself to go with anyone below the level of Zoe Hall. Henry’s had a blowjob off Annabelle Grimes but that’s just too disturbing for words. Plus if she gives me one then it’s like I’m being a massive bender with Henry. God, love is such a complicated thing..

Li Hin was caught wanking again. This time in the changing rooms at the sports ground. Hargreaves had to have a word with him. Christ knows what went on in the study but by the time Li came out Hargreaves looked worse off than old slitty eyes. I wonder what was said. Oh to be a fly on the wall in that room. It must have seen some pretty eye opening conversations. Not least the time that Giles Edwards was questioned for the dramatic increase in erection inspections he was carrying out on the 3rd years. Fuck knows what became of him. Here’s hoping he hasn’t become a primary school teacher…

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