Monday 16 November 2009

Harrison Tumble

Assembly this morning was LEDGE! It all kicked off between George and Becky after the Rosie Incident came bubbling to the surface during supper leave on Saturday night. Apparently George has been incredibly dense and totally ignored Rosie to the point that Becky was getting suspicious so she idly asked the lower sixths in her house what had happened. Don’t know who blabbed but someone did and told Becky the whole thing. She waited until they were in Chez Marc, about to eat desert. She ordered a rice pudding and tipped the whole thing on his head, followed by a glass of red wine.

But that was nothing compared to this morning. She waited at the top of the steps outside Harrison Hall and when Rosie came out she pushed her! All the way to the bottom!! Bloody lucky she wasn’t killed. Fortunately she was just ruddy pissed off and the pair of them ended up rolling around on the grass in front of Lodge House. It was like something out of lesbo 70s porn flick. All us lads were cheering them on as they tore shreds off each other. Just unbelievable. George is a bloody hero of course. And who can blame him? Naturally old Roper wants a full explanation of what went on but what can he do? All the alleged deviance occurred on half term so they didn’t break any rules. Well, apart from fighting on school property of course. Just bloody CLASSIC! This term is turning into a legendary one.

Spoke to Hargreaves about my Uni choices last night. He thinks I should apply to something called the Roehampton Institute! What the FUCK??! Sounds like somewhere they put mental people. More likely to find my mother in there than you are me. Speaking of which I really must call Dad.

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