Monday 9 November 2009


Two hours til my driving test!!! I take back everything I said about OD-ing if I don’t pass first time. The fact that I am STILL massively hung over from Saturday night is probably the biggest hurdle I will have to overcome and certainly isn’t something I planned. I’ll be lucky if I stay on the left side of the road at this rate..

Matron’s roses have noticeably wilted today. Typical that we haven’t had any rain since I vommed all over them. There is a definite odour of mild curry and apple cider outside my window. Not impressed with myself although everyone else seems to think I’m a bit of a ledge. Abby MacKenzie’s in hospital with appendicitis (probably just trying to out-do me) so there’s a big Get Well Soon card doing the rounds. Polly Wilkes is in charge of it. Christ, could she suck up to Abby any more? Doesn’t she realise we’re in the upper sixth already? It’s too late to try and earn prefect points now. Bloody do-gooders..

Hargreaves tried to take the piss as I was leaving the house for assembly this morning. He suggested I might want to take a bucket with me. Ha-bloody-ha.. On a more serious note I’m worried that I have inadvertently got the bloke at the corner shop arrested for selling alcohol to minors after I blabbed where we’d bought the cider. I was under duress, not to mention that I seriously thought I was at death’s door when I saw the colour of what was coming out of my mouth, so I really shouldn’t get the blame. I might say it was Colin Weston who told. He knew about it AND he’s much more likely to be a snitch than I am. He needs reminding of the fact that he's a complete scrote, potential orphan or otherwise..

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