Wednesday 4 November 2009

Chinese Horror

Am still reeling from the shock of catching Li-Hin masturbating in the communal showers last night, the dirty bastard. What the bloody hell was he thinking?? At least I now know that Chinese blokes have tiny knobs. He didn’t even look bothered when I saw him. He just stood there with a bizarre half smile on his face. Maybe it’s normal behaviour in Hong Kong. Of course I went straight to Henry and told him so it can be put in the house notes at the end of term. Hopefully he’ll feel suitably shamed when the whole school knows about it.

Something has to be done about the state of the breakfasts here. The tea in the urn was stewed to buggery by the time I got there at 7:25. It’s a bloody joke. And as for the scrambled eggs; Christ knows what they make it from but it’s definitely not eggs. By the time first break came this morning my stomach was making some damn weird noises. Luckily Susie Blackwell was up for making all the lads some toast. She’s a good girl, shame she’s such a bloody heifer or I might try and go there. That and the fact that she’s from a complete povvo family. They can’t afford the boarding fees so she commutes 60 miles a day. Must be perfectly ghastly for her. She said she might have a party in the Christmas hols as her folks are going up North or something awful. I stopped listening after a while. She does witter on but a party might be quite a good laugh. Her house would end up getting royally trashed but that’s her look-out. Not that it’s probably that nice anyway.

Must go and get a supper leave update from Ralph now. Hope he gets us a decent restaurant booking. If we’re in the fucking Beefeater again I’ll kill him.

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