Tuesday 24 November 2009

Sympathy Card

Colin Weston's mum went into hospital last night. Hargreaves got us into his flat and told us that she had taken a fall at home. Lost consciousness at the top of the stairs and broken her pelvis in the tumble. Actually felt quite sorry for Colin this time. His uncle arrived and took him off. Not sure what that means for his A-levels. He'll definitely get special consideration now though. Anyway, Hargreaves wants me to pack some of his things together and then get everyone to sign a card. Why does he pick me to do these things? Just because I'm not in the first XV rugby team or something he thinks I've got
time on my hands. I guess it's not so bad. It'll make me look like a good guy in Zoe Hall's eyes.

I've decided she's going to be the one I make a go of it with. There's definitely something there. I was looking at her in economics and she's really not too shabby at all. Long golden hair, good skin. She's not one of those ghastly brassy types like Polly Ravenscoft who wears far too much slap. Terribly cheap in my book. Okay so she's got a few extra rolls here and there but you need something to grab hold of don't you..

If only there was a way we could be out drinking together but with no supper leaves for me this term that looks less than likely. There MUST be something I can do. Will get Ralph's advice on the situation when we have another cross country adventure. Right, I'm going to do this uni application today if it bloody kills me. There's so much to fill out. The most galling thing is the knowledge that everyone else my age is doing it - even common people. It's all wrong...

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