Monday 30 November 2009

Two Down

To fail your driving test once may be regarded as a misfortune, to fail twice looks like carelessness.. Well that’s all wrong. I would have to have my driving test on possibly the wettest day since Noah said to his wife “I think the worst of it’s over, dear”. I challenge anyone to do an emergency stop on what is effectively an ice rink and come to a graceful and considered halt in a neat, straight line. It is a physical impossibility and yet there was the big black mark on the score sheet and there was the bad end to my second driving test. A different man (marginally), the same test centre. Everything else had gone so swimmingly. I am bloody furious. I was so speechless I didn’t have the capacity to complain about the result before the bespectacled geek left the car. How am I ever going to live this down?? I confessed my news to Ralph when I got back just now. He couldn’t suppress a smile even though he’d promised to be wholly understanding. Bastard.

On the plus side I still haven’t had a phone call from home which means (God willing) that there has been no engagement to announce. That said I haven’t been in the boarding house since first thing this morning. I need a bloody good drink to be honest. I shall definitely be down the JCR tonight. Ralph has promised me his second pint so at least I can get vaguely squiffy to help me cope with the galling disappointment. When is my life going to start going right?!

Oh there is one good thing. Zoe said she might be having a party at her folks' house at the beginning of the Christmas hols. She went quite coy when she was talking to me about it. I can only take that as a good thing. To be honest it’s never happened before..

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