Monday 2 November 2009

Be Kind

So apparently Mark C won’t be back at school until the new year!! As predicted his mum went apeshit when the police told her they’d found coke in her son’s bag and she’s flown him out to a Christian retreat in Arizona to “heal himself” – BRILLIANT! Poor guy though. He’ll probably be a complete head case the rest of his life after a couple of months out there. Must find out whose coke it actually was. They must be on a serious guilt trip right now.

One hour and thirty minutes til the Spanish test. Might as well just accept the fact that I’m going to make a complete balls-up of the whole thing. We’re supposed to be filling in our uni application forms in a couple of weeks’ time. Christ, I don’t even know what I want to study let alone where I want to go. It’s all very well for the complete squares like Toby and Jim who’ve been mentally decorating their Oxford digs for five years. I’m having to come to terms with the fact that I might have to go somewhere less than remarkable like Bristol or Durham. Or Exeter, God forbid. Oh the shame… I always thought I was gifted..

Hargreaves took us upper sixths into his flat last night and told us that Colin Weston’s mum’s got cancer and we’re going to have to be nice to him from now on. I mean I feel sorry for him of course but who the Hell are we going to pick on now?? Apparently she could be dead by Christmas. He’ll be an orphan then. His dad dropped dead on the golf course the summer before last. Oh well, at least he’ll get shit loads of inheritance AND special consideration when they mark his A-level papers. Lucky bastard..

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