Thursday 19 November 2009

Good Food

Bad news. Sal actually used the phrase “He’s the one” about Ian. What a bloody disaster. She said they’ve basically agreed to get married and Ian is going to propose just before Christmas. I don’t get it. I thought a proposal was supposed to be a surprise. Like you’re in some restaurant with romantic lighting and the man suddenly pulls out a flashy ring and gets down on one knee and the woman is all “Oh my goodness, I had no idea”. Not any more it seems. What a sham. I hope she isn’t up the bloody duff as well. Christ knows what their poor kids will look like. Ian really isn’t blessed. Not unless you think having a scouring pad for hair is a good thing. Oh God please let me be away on my gap year when they actually go ahead and tie the knot. They I can graciously turn down the invite. It will be SO dreadful if his parents have a say in any of it..

On the plus side Sal let me drive her car on the country lanes after lunch. And she took me to Chez Marc. We actually had quite a nice day all in all. Though she wouldn’t let me take Ralph along. She said she wanted to discuss private family business. What a lot of nonsense. All she did was witter on again about she’s convinced Mother’s been seeing Derek Barnscroft. If you saw this man you’d think it was a miracle anyone had married him in the first place, let alone that he might be able to woo other married women into his bed. God the thought of it makes me want to heave. We had to agree to disagree in the end. Well, she told me I was too young to understand which of course was infuriating but I just bit my tongue on this occasion and smiled.

We’ve got a practice Spanish oral in the morning. FUCK!

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