Thursday 19 November 2009

Odd Dream

Had a very strange dream last night. I was sitting under an apple tree in the middle of a huge orchard. I was reading One Hundred Year of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Suddenly my pockets started to vibrate. I felt inside them and pulled out two mobile phones. One said that Jesus was calling, the other just said ‘Elephant’. For some reason I was more drawn to this one and I answered the call. It was Edwina Curry telling me not to eat the eggs in the birthday cake. Suddenly I blinked and I was in the middle of supermarket aisle. Everyone was gathered around a table and the manager of the store was wearing a party hat and blowing a small trumpet. It was evidently his birthday and an old lady was pushing a shopping trolley towards him. Inside the trolley was a multi-tiered birthday cake. I realised I had to act and threw myself at the trolley, pushing it, and the old woman into a row of shelves stacked with baked beans. As I was pushing her, the woman screamed and grew a trunk like an elephant. Then she burst open and loads of blood came out. When I turned around there was just Jesus standing in front of me. He was telling me I should have answered his call, then he handed me an apple which, as I was about to take a bite, suddenly grew a face and screamed “Ayudarme!”, which I believe is Spanish for “Help me!”. Then I woke up. Weird..

I’ve been filling out my application form for university this afternoon and seem to be stuck at hobbies. Obviously I’ve written swimming and cross country running but everyone else does extra activities. I think I need to take up something like singing. I think being in a choir would demonstrate that I’m a nice human being..

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